How To Consume RSO?

In the past few years, It is seen how fast the popularity of cannabis and cannabis-related products is growing. Even the health industry is now accepting the use of Cannabis and is investing in experiments and studies that would allow everyone to understand more about the medical benefits of this plant. However, we still know a lot about the medical benefits of Cannabis and have started using it for specific illnesses to get the needed relief. The therapeutic potential that Cannabis and products made out of Cannabis can have on an individual is the main reason behind the popularity growth seen today.

RSO, or the Rick Simpson oil, is one of the Cannabis extracts that has gained a special status in the industry. It is a blackish-brown fluid that is basically a concentrate taken from the Cannabis plant material and has a thick viscosity. It has all the components that a Cannabis plant has and the potential of an Indica plant with all the cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, etc. That will give effective relief from any kind of severe symptoms or pain, which are side effects of some severe ailments. The best way to consume RSO oil is to use syringes. They will help you understand the amount of RSO oil you need to take, and you will get better results. If you want to know about the right way of consuming RSO oil, then stay on the page and read the article.

The right way of consuming RSO oil

There are many ways known of consuming RSO oil, but we are consuming it to get the maximum benefits out of it. So here we will discuss the right way of consuming it that will provide you the relief and effective solution for why you are consuming it. We will know about the best way of taking RSO oil to enjoy the benefits of the oil. The other ways might also be used, but the effectiveness won’t be up to the mark; hence, the intended use of RSO should be done to get maximum benefit out of it. 

-Use it topically by applying it directly on the skin

One of the most common ways of using RSO is by applying it on the skin topically. This Is one of the most followed ways because it treats the symptoms caused by various diseases by applying it to the affected area itself. To improve the spreading capability of RSO, it can be mixed with some olive oil or coconut oil and used for easier application. For best results, you can apply it to the skin and then cover the area with a cloth or bandage to keep the area warm. It is important that you remember that RSO can get absorbed through the skin, so when you are under the effect of an active cannabinoid, it is best that you rest and not do any kind of hard work. Also, remember that whenever you are applying the oil, change the cloth or bandage that you are using after every application. 

-Consuming it sublingually

RSO is a gooey substance that has a taste. Some people find the taste a bit overpowering. Prefer not to consume it as it may affect their ability to enjoy other foods. If you’re not fond of the spicy flavor you can opt for administration of RSO for quicker absorption. Sublingual absorption bypasses the liver function allowing the medicinal properties of RSO to be absorbed rapidly through the tongues membrane and into the bloodstream where its therapeutic effects take hold. Additionally you can also try applying it on your cheek or gums and let it slowly absorb over time. If you find that the stickiness is bothersome, in your mouth you can dilute it by drinking a glass of water after applying RSO.

– Consumed by ingestion

As mentioned earlier RSO has a consistency and carries a spicy and bitter taste which may be noticeable when consumed. However if you don’t mind the texture and flavor it can easily be incorporated into your meals or any edible item. You can also try pairing it with flavored foods to mask the taste of the oil while consuming it. This method may result in a time for the effects to kick in as the oil needs to be digested and go through the various digestive processes before being absorbed by the body. Once absorbed though you can expect results.

Some individuals have reported experiencing throat irritation after ingesting the oil; however this reaction varies from person to person. To avoid this throat irritation we recommend methods. For instance you could spread the oil on bread, fruit or vegetables before consuming them. This way when you eat these items containing the oil you won’t perceive its presence. Won’t experience any throat discomfort either.

If you prefer to keep it separate, from the food you’re consuming you can create a capsule by placing the oil in a gelatin capsule and then ingesting it.

The conclusion

There are ways to use RSO. If you want to achieve optimal results it’s important to consume it as intended. The methods mentioned earlier are the way to ingest the oil and derive benefits from it. Ultimately the primary goal of using this oil is to experience the relief, which can be attained by consuming it correctly.

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